lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Actividad Futuro cercano y lejano

This weekend im going to medellin. There are some places that I want to visit, im going to the zoo because i want to see many animals. Then I am going to plaza mayor and pies descalzos park. In plaza mayor i want to see a fair exposition of computers to watch the latest advances in technology.
More later I am going to monterrey mall to buy some parts that I need for my old computer .I will buy a laptop because i need a good one to install a specific software to work in publicity.  

In that laptop im going to install windows 8.1 and many programs like norton antivirus, corel 14 and adobe master collection cs6. I will make a facebook profile to me to be in contact with my customers. i will buy a tablet too and i need download more apps to be in contact by social networks with more people for my business im going to buy a new printer usb cable that i need to connect my printer, because the old cable was damaged.