lunes, 1 de junio de 2015


Se utilizan para describir a los verbos. Muestran información sobre cómo, cuándo o con que frecuencia alguien hace algo. algunos de los mas usados en ingles son los siguientes:


Aparece en oraciones afirmativas, indica que ya se ha realizado una acción.

En la esturctura gramatical “Already” siempre va entre el auxiliar y el participio:

Sujeto + have/has + Already + Vpp + Complemento

 I have already written the article
                  Ya he escrito el articulo.

What time does the film start?                               It has already started.
A que hora empieza la pelicula?                              Ya ha empezado.


Se utiliza en interrogaciones para preguntar si la acción se ha llevado a cabo o no y en negaciones para decir que la acción aún no ha ocurrido.

En las estructuras gramaticales se usa asi:

En una negación:         Sujeto + haven’t/hasn’t + Vpp + Complemento + Yet

En interrogación:          Have/Has + Sujeto + Vpp + Complemento + Yet ?

Have you read it yet?        Ya lo has leido?
No, I haven’t read it yet      No, aun/Todavia no lo he leído.

En negacion :       Is William Here?             No, he hasn’t arrived yet.
                            Esta William aca?          No, Todavia no ha llegado.

En pregunta:     Have Sam and Carol arrived Yet?       No, not yet.
                            Ya han llegado Sam y Carol?           No, aun no.


Estos adverbios se refieren a un tiempo no identificado anterior al presente.

Se utiliza en preguntas para pedir información sobre alguna experiencia.

Have you ever been to spain?
Has ido alguna vez a España?    

Se puede usar en frases afirmativas después de los superlativos o la palabra only.

She is the tallest person i have seen.
Ella es la persona mas alta que yo he visto jamas.

Se utiliza en frases afirmativas en el presente perfecto para indicar que no se ha tenido una experiencia hasta el momento.

I have never travelled to England.
Yo nunca he viajado a Inglaterra.

Si la frase se pone en negativa tendremos que utilizar “ever”

I haven’t ever travelled to England

Yo no he viajado nunca a Inglaterra.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

Actividad Futuro cercano y lejano

This weekend im going to medellin. There are some places that I want to visit, im going to the zoo because i want to see many animals. Then I am going to plaza mayor and pies descalzos park. In plaza mayor i want to see a fair exposition of computers to watch the latest advances in technology.
More later I am going to monterrey mall to buy some parts that I need for my old computer .I will buy a laptop because i need a good one to install a specific software to work in publicity.  

In that laptop im going to install windows 8.1 and many programs like norton antivirus, corel 14 and adobe master collection cs6. I will make a facebook profile to me to be in contact with my customers. i will buy a tablet too and i need download more apps to be in contact by social networks with more people for my business im going to buy a new printer usb cable that i need to connect my printer, because the old cable was damaged.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

A day working...

I go to my work every day at 8 am. in my work I am in charge of fixing the computers when damaged. I also buy some parts for the equipment that are failing to replacement . 

I have a worker to my charge. He lives close to work. He fixes the computers periodically too. when I go to buy the parts to remplacement. I visit a big supermarket and I go directly to the section of electronics. 
There is a beautiful smartv that I would like to have. I think is very expensive to me but I am saving money to buy it because I like it.
i usually finish to work at 6 pm and then i go to my house.

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Computer's Vocabulary


An access point provides wireless access to a network. Devices connected to an access point can communicate with other devices on the network. They may also connect to the internet if the access point is linked to an internet connection, which is commonly the case. Access points that use wi-fi are also called base stations.

I am connecting every day to internet with my access point.


is the generic term for an input device that reads flash memory cards. It can be a standalone device that connects to a computer via USB or it may be integrated into a computer, printer, or multifunction device. In fact, most multifunction printer/scanner/copiers now have built-in card readers.

I am downloading photos to my computer with my card reader driver.


Technically speaking, a computer chip is a piece of silicon with an electronic circuit embedded in it. However, the word “chip” is often used as a slang term that refers to various components inside a computer. It typically describes an integrated circuit, or IC, such as a central processor or a graphics chip, but may also refer to other components such a memory module.

My friend is changing the processor chip in my laptop.

4. DDR2

Stands for “Double Data Rate 2” DDR2 RAM is an improved version of DDR memory that is faster and more efficient. Like standard DDR memory, DDR2 memory can send data on both the rising and falling edges of the processor’s clock cycles. This nearly doubles tha amount of work the RAM can do in a given amount the time. DDR and DDR2 are also both types of SDRAM, which allows them to run faster than conventional memory.

I am using an 8 GB DDR2 memory in my laptop.


When you save data or install programs on your computer, the information is typically written to your hard disk. The hard disk is a spindle of magnetic disks, called platters, that record and store information. Because the data is stored magnetically, information recorded to the hard disk remains intact after you turn your computer off. This is an important distinction between the hard disk and RAM, or memory, which is reset when the computer's power is turned off.

I am going to Monterrey to buy a new 1 Tera Hard Disk for my PC.


Linux is a free, open source, Unix-like operating system. It is available in several different distributions, including CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, and Red Hat. Linux can run on several different hardware platforms and may even be used as the OS for electronics devices besides computers. Though Linux is not commonly installed on home computers, it is widely used by Web hosting companies and has many other specialized applications.

Carlos is installing an Ubuntu Linux new version in his laptop.


In the real world, "optical" refers to vision, or the ability to see. In the computer world, however, "optical" refers to lasers, which can "see" and read data on optical discs. These discs include CDs and DVDs, which are made up of millions of small bumps and dips. Optical drives have lasers that read these bumps and dips as ones and zeros, which the computer can understand.
Some common types of optical drives include CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW, and Blu-ray drives. CD and DVD writers, such as CD-R and DVD-R drives use a laser to both read and write data on the discs. The laser used for writing the data is much more powerful than the laser that reads the data, as it "burns" the bumps and dips into the disc. While optical drives can spin discs at very high speeds, they are still significantly slower than hard drives, which store data magnetically. However, because optical media is inexpensive and removable, it is the most common format used for distributing computer software.
John and Lisa are watching a movie with my blu-ray optical drive in my laptop.


A scanner is an input device that scans documents and images, which can be imported into a computer. They are available in flatbed or sheet-fed versions and are usually connected via a high-speed USB port. OCR software can be used to recognize text documents imported from a scanner.
My father is using his scanner to send me two documents that I need.


Computer software is a general term that describes computer programs. Related terms such as software programs, applications, scripts, and instruction sets all fall under the category of computer software. Therefore, installing new programs or applications on your computer is synonymous with installing new software on your computer.
My sister is speaking with me through a software called skype every nights. She lives in U.S.A.

As the name implies, a keyboard is basically a board of keys. Along with the mouse, the keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer. The keyboard's design comes from the original typewriter keyboards, which arranged letters and numbers in a way that prevented the type-bars from getting jammed when typing quickly. This keyboard layout is known as the QWERTY design, which gets its name from the first six letters across in the upper-left-hand corner of the keyboard.

I am learning to use the keyboard in a course called “tecnicas de digitacion” in the Cesde virtual platform

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015


Seller: Hello, may I help you?
Me:  Yes, I’m loking for a computer that I need for design .

Seller: hmmm, do you need a computer with a good video card and memory.
Me: yes, and do you have that computer here?
Seller: of course, I have this computer with all that you need.

Me: What is the size of the screen?
Seller: its 24 inches.

Me: what kind of graphics card does it have?
Seller: A NVidia GeForce GTX 970 with 1 Ghz and 4GB  GDDR5

Me: Wonderful, but… what is the resolution of the monitor?
Seller: this monitor have an hd resolution of 1920 * 1080 pixels.

Me: What processor is it using?
Seller: this computer use an Intel Core i7-870 processor with 2.93 GHz.

Me: what kind of memory does it have?
Seller: this computer have 8 GB of ram.

Me: and what capacity have the hard drive?
Seller : the hard drive have 1 Tera.

 Me : How much does it cost?
Seller: is too cheaper for that configuration, its only 600 dollars.

Me: It’s really cheaper and what software does it comes with?
Seller: The computer comes with windows 8, office 2013, Adobe Master Collection C6 suite, Norton antivirus and more.

Me: What else comes with the computer?
Seller: The keyboard, Mouse and the speakers
Me : How about the printer?
Seller: The printer is sold separately

Me: ok,  where I can go to buy this computer?
Seller: please follow me to finish your purchase.

Me: I have a last question, what kind of warranty does it have?
Seller: Usually a 3 year warranty for the mechanical parts.
Me: thanks for your time. Good bye

Seller : congratulations, enjoy your computer !

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2015

Video Musical en Ingles y español

Canción: The Reason     Grupo : Hoobastank

Letra en Inglés

I'm not a perfect person 

There's many thing I wish I didn't do 

But I continue learning 
I never meant to do those things to you 
And so I have to say before I go 
That I just want you to know 

I've found a reason for me 

To change who I used to be 
A reason to start over new 
And the reason is you 

I'm sorry that I hurt you 
It's something I must live with everyday 
And all the pain I put you through 
I wish I could take it all away 
And be the one who catches all your tears 
That's why I need you to hear 

I've found a reason for me 

To change who I used to be 
A reason to start over new 
And the reason is you (x4) 

I'm not a perfect person 
I never meant to do those things to you 
And so I have to say before I go 
That I just want you to know 

I've found a reason for me 
To change who I used to be 
A reason to start over new 
And the reason is you 

I've found a reason to show 
A side of me you didn't know 
A reason for all that I do 
And the reason is you

Video Subtitulado (Eng/Esp)

Letra en Español

No soy una persona perfecta,
hay muchas cosas que desearía no haber hecho,
pero continuo aprendiendo.
Nunca quise hacerte esas cosas a ti,
así que antes de irme tengo que decírtelo,
solo quiero que lo sepas.
He encontrado una razón de ser para mí,
para cambiar lo que solía ser, 
una razón para volver a empezar,
y la razón eres tú.
Siento haberte hecho daño,
es algo con lo que debo vivir día a día.
Y todo el dolor que te causé,
desearía poder quitártelo.
Y ser el que seque todas tus lágrimas.
Es por eso por lo que necesito que escuches.
He encontrado una razón de ser para mí, 
para cambiar lo que solía ser, 
una razón para volver a empezar,
y la razón eres tú. ( x4 )
No soy una persona perfecta. 
Nunca quise hacerte esas cosas a ti,
así que antes de irme tengo que decírtelo,
solo quiero que lo sepas.
He encontrado una razón de ser para mí, 
para cambiar lo que solía ser, 
una razón para volver a empezar,
y la razón eres tú.
He encontrado una razón para mostrarte,
una parte de mí que no conocías,
una razón para todo lo que hago,
y la razón eres tú. 

Verbos To be en presente y pasado, en presente o pasado progresivo encontrados en la cancion.

solo encontre el verbo I am en 2 frases una en negacion y la otra en presente:

I'm not a perfect person 
I'm sorry that I hurt you 

Descripcion en español del video what is a computer?

Descripción del vídeo:
hoy en día las computadoras están en muchas partes alrededor de todos nosotros, son dispositivos electrónicos que manipulan información o datos, usan datos de unos y ceros que se compilan en cosas mas complejas como fotos, películas, sitios de Internet, juegos y mas cosas.

Las Computadoras son combinaciones de hardware y software donde el hardware es cualquier parte física que incluye todos los componentes internos y partes externas como el monitor y el teclado entre otras y el software es cualquier cantidad de instrucciones que el hardware es capaz de ejecutar como los buscadores de Internet, el reproductor de medios o el procesador de palabras. 

Ahora cuando la gente se refiere a computadoras, se habla de computadora personal que pueden ser de escritorio o portátiles estas tienen similares capacidades pero diferente portabilidad. 

Las computadoras personales vienen generalmente en 2 estilos principalmente PC o MAC. PC es el tipo mas común, muchas empresas importantes las fabrican y vienen generalmente con sistema operativo Windows. las MAC o Computadoras Macintosh son fabricadas por una sola empresa "Apple" y vienen ahora con sistema operativo MAC OS X. 

Las computadoras vienen en muchos chips de otros dispositivos tales como teléfonos móviles, tablets, consolas de juegos y algunos televisores. 

Hay otro tipo de computadoras que son los servidores estos suministran información a todas las computadoras de una red. cada vez que usas Internet los servidores son los que entregan la información de las paginas web a tu computadora.  En una oficina son usados para almacenar gran cantidad de información y compartirla con mas dispositivos a la vez.

Welcome to my Blog / Bienvenido a mi Blog

Welcome to my Blog, a small space to publish articles and music that I like and I want to share with my friends. thank you for your visit and I hope you enjoy the tour of this little universe that represents me.

Jay Z ft Alicia Keys - Empire state of mind