miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015


Seller: Hello, may I help you?
Me:  Yes, I’m loking for a computer that I need for design .

Seller: hmmm, do you need a computer with a good video card and memory.
Me: yes, and do you have that computer here?
Seller: of course, I have this computer with all that you need.

Me: What is the size of the screen?
Seller: its 24 inches.

Me: what kind of graphics card does it have?
Seller: A NVidia GeForce GTX 970 with 1 Ghz and 4GB  GDDR5

Me: Wonderful, but… what is the resolution of the monitor?
Seller: this monitor have an hd resolution of 1920 * 1080 pixels.

Me: What processor is it using?
Seller: this computer use an Intel Core i7-870 processor with 2.93 GHz.

Me: what kind of memory does it have?
Seller: this computer have 8 GB of ram.

Me: and what capacity have the hard drive?
Seller : the hard drive have 1 Tera.

 Me : How much does it cost?
Seller: is too cheaper for that configuration, its only 600 dollars.

Me: It’s really cheaper and what software does it comes with?
Seller: The computer comes with windows 8, office 2013, Adobe Master Collection C6 suite, Norton antivirus and more.

Me: What else comes with the computer?
Seller: The keyboard, Mouse and the speakers
Me : How about the printer?
Seller: The printer is sold separately

Me: ok,  where I can go to buy this computer?
Seller: please follow me to finish your purchase.

Me: I have a last question, what kind of warranty does it have?
Seller: Usually a 3 year warranty for the mechanical parts.
Me: thanks for your time. Good bye

Seller : congratulations, enjoy your computer !

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